Monday, 9 February 2009

I'm finding more spices! ]:

Aww. Another boring day for the Desires-ress. I decided to surf the net and find some interesting things to blog about. Otherwise, I'll start recieving complains emails that my blog's getting dead! Well, I found a very interesting video at youtube. I think it might be great to share with all of you. (:

It's so hilarious please! It really perks up my boring day a lil. (: And another song I'm addicted to recently, Love to be loved by you - Marc Terenzi. He's so handsome! Listening to his song, touched my heart. *Drools*

I want a man like him. ): Or rather, I need a man like him. Well, as for yesterday's post, I said I accepted photos from you guys. So far, I've only recieved 1 photo! So disappointing. Looking at the healthy number my counter is hitting, I've only recieved 1 picture! Aww. ): Hmm, updates about my scandals and experiences, I'll update at a later time. I just doesn't have the mood to update something so horny right now. ):

I love you guys. (:

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